Jaime is working on reconstructing the blog. It's really in need of something more appealing, now that the template designer can be used. Expect it to look a little--errmmm--out of place and strange for a while!

Friday, May 14, 2010

I'm Almost Done School!!!!!

I'm almost done all my school for the year!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday I finished Science, I finished Language Tuesday, I'll be done History next week, and I'll finish Spelling and Math in two weeks!!!!!!!  I'm so happy!!!!!!!

Then I can finally pay more attention to crafts and making things for my hope chest.  (I got a hope chest for my Birthday.)


P.S. Sadly, we probably won't be having a garden this year because our garden spot has a disease and is killing all the plants we planted.  But, Dad says we might be able to do a few of those upside down, hanging plants on the front of our house.

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