Jaime is working on reconstructing the blog. It's really in need of something more appealing, now that the template designer can be used. Expect it to look a little--errmmm--out of place and strange for a while!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Sniff Sniff...Ahhh....Christmas is in the air...And my new camera!

Hello everyone!  I know I'm really not posting very often, but anyway.  Christmas is in the air!  My family really doesn't do much of anything for Christmas, but I still look forward to this time of the year.  We don't do stockings, a tree, or lights.  We do, however, typically set up a small nativity that our friends made us and we still exchange gifts (we kids do "Dollar Tree Christmas shopping").  Guess what?!  Never mind, don't guess.  I'll tell you.  My dad, out of the blue, decided that today he would take me to get a digital camera!  AND--I got one!  It is very similar to my sister's, just a little smaller, shinier, etc.  Also, it has that zoom thing on the button used to take pictures rather than buttons for the zoom.  Haha...I know that's confusing.  :)

So it's a Nikon COOLPIX (I don't know what info I'm supposed to give you, so I'm reading off the box :) S3000.  It's 12.0 megapixels, 2.7 LCD, 4x wide camera.  You camera type people might understand all that.  :)  It came with a strap, rechargeable battery, charging adapter, USB cable, audio video cable, software, quick start guide, user's manual, and warranty and registration card.  Phew...Yeah, so I'm really excited!  We got all this stuff at our local Best Buy.  It was about $110.00 which, though expensive to me, is actually quite cheap for a camera like this one.  :)

We also, however, had to get a camera case (I told Dad I could wait for my birthday, but he said he would buy me one now) and memory card.  So, after all this, it cost about $140.00--probably the most expensive gift I ever got!  Thanks Dad!!  Your the greatest!

So, hopefully I'll post some pictures of my camera (haha, that's sound funny) as soon as I'm allowed to open it.  Until next time, I remain...

Lincoln Log Fun

Hello, it's me, Jaime, again!  A couple weeks ago, I got extremely bored, sooooo....I tore out the lincoln logs!  I had actually been helping Mom rake leaves when I hit a nerve in my hand and three of my fingers decided to stop working correctly.  So, I came inside and tried to built a little neighborhood with lincoln logs.  Is that what you call them?  Lincoln logs?  I don't know.  But anyway.  Gradually, my fingers regained their feeling and stopped feeling hot and such.  So here are a few pics of what I built.  Yes, on occasion, when I'm bored, I do attempt to play with "toys", though I typically become bored within ten minutes.  ANYWAY...

This is the doctor's office...See the bloody blanket my sister made?  :)
Here is the school.  It was a little crowded, but oh well.  :)
Here is the mercantile, store, whatcha ma call it.  ;)  See the organization?!  I know, I'm weird.  ;)
The sheriff department is on the second story, and the poor people shelter is below.  Closely examine the roof.... ;)
Here is a random house that I like.  It has a cool little gate around the front yard, and is right beside the mercantile. 
And here...is the poor indian's jail cell.  :(  I know, it seems racist.  I am actually not AT ALL racist.  I believe all people, no matter color or race, are equal in the sight of God.  Moving on...
This is the lumberman's house on the "hill" (more of a cliff).  He lives here with his dog, who stays in the "lean to".  :)
Here is most of the town, so you can see the layout.  
And the another part.
And the doctor's office was built kind of parallel to the braces on my end table.  On the far left is the school and house...  :) (:

Ha...Anyway, I know this was random, a little boring, etc.  But, yeah...I just felt like posting.  Unfortunately, my sister deleted at least five of my pictures of different things I made.  :(  Booohooo... *wipes a tear*.  Well, that's why I'm getting a camera for Christmas (hopefully).  Until next time,


Saturday, December 18, 2010

Today's "To Do" List

So, today, I set my alarm for 9:00 a.m.  Then, when I (Jaime) heard the alarm go off, I turned it off and, as usual, fell back asleep for about an hour.  So started my day.  Then, I did my Saturday "Room Cleaning" job which took about two hours as I was being more thorough than usual, dusting my baseboards, fan, the trim on my door and closet, as well as my bookshelf, dresser, and end table.  Then, I vacuumed everything, shifting the smaller furniture in my room back, and forth, and back again.  Anyway, enough with that...

Then, me, Mom, and Will went to Dollar Tree to do our "Dollar Tree Christmas Shopping".  Every year for the past few years, we kids (me, Will, and Courtney) have bought presents for everyone in our family (dog(s) included).  It's a cheap way for us to have the joy of seeing their happy expressions upon opening presents!  Our parents, of course, buy us a few things (depending on prices).  We don't have a Christmas tree, and do very little for Christmas anyway, so the gifts are typically on a shelf, mantle, etc.  Courtney wasn't feeling at all well today, so Dad will have to take her another day to do her shopping.  I've already wrapped a few of my gifts for the fam, which I always do.  :)  I always get so excited, I can't possibly wait!

Well, I have to help Mom figure something out for dinner, and I'm hoping to cut out the pieces for a gored (panelled) Christmas skirt I've wanted to make for a while now.  Hopefully a picture post will be coming soon (as soon as I get things in order).  Feel free to go to my other blog.  The link is in the previous post.  Until next time, I remain,


Friday, December 17, 2010

Update For the Last Few Months

Hello!!  Nobody probably reads this blog anymore...Sorry for not posting except every few months!  I'm awful, I know.  I didn't mean to lie by saying I'd post "Jewelry Making Part 2" soon, I really meant to, but then everything in my life went topsy turvy...

First off, my sister is wanting to get married in a year and four months (approximately), so my mom is trying to prepare her for that responsibility...

Then, my family, no longer going to "church", has joined a home church/organic church type of group, and it has kept us really busy.  Some of the people can get irritating sometimes, but that's anywhere.

Next is what has probably affected me most...Alexis Wassenberg.  She is the very best friend in the entire world, and I love her SO MUCH.  We only live about 30 minutes away from each other (she is in the country, but I am in the suburbs), yet for some reason, we only saw each other about three times this year (all within the last few months).  It makes me so sad, and I miss her so much... God's ways are higher than ours, though, so I guess He knows what He's doing.  :)

Fourth, my Aunt Beque has discovered that my twelve year old cousin, Rebekah, has epilepsy.  She, therefore, has seizures.  Aunt Beque is rather upset, needless to say.  I ask you to please, PLEASE pray fervently that God would either heal Rebekah, or at least use this to draw her and her mother closer to Him.  

Next, growing up is hard!  Yeesh...I always said "I can't wait till I'm older and can do..."...But now...Well, it's rather difficult that my sister and brother are changing so much.  Me and my brother used to do EVERYTHING together, and I mean everything!  Now, our interests have changed, and as he grows into a young man, I grow into a young woman.  Same with my sister.  She's growing up, and spends most of her time conversing with her hope-to-be future husband...Ah well, 'tis the price of growing up.  :)  HE knows what's best.  :) (:

Now that you know what's going on, this is what I did today:

  1. Got up, washed face, ate breakfast, all that good stuff...
  2. After lazing around for a little while, I made pizza for lunch...
  3. While eating lunch, I looked at some older posts at my favorite blog, Solid Rock Ranch Updates.
  4. Then I took pictures for a blog post I hope to do on my other blog--A Princess In Purity.
  5. Then I did a little school after a late start...
  6. After that, I probably lazed around more, it being a rather nasty day, and me being quite tired.
  7. After that I did the Friday chore, cleaning the bathroom...Not the funnest job in the world, though I do enjoy the feeling of accomplishment that comes over me when I finish.  :)
  8. After that, me, my brother, and my mom went to pick up Chinese for dinner while our dad entertained our friend, Philip.  
  9. After that, obviously, came dinner...
  10. Then cleanup...
  11. And then I made Chocolate chip cookies for the family!  They were tasty, and Philip enjoyed them.  :)
  12. While eating cookies, we watched A Series of Unfortunate Events.  Phil fell asleep several times during the movie.  :)
  13. Toward the end of the movie, I got tired myself, and decided to come into my bedroom and write up this post.  :)  After this, I will probably read my Bible, possibly read a book for a few minutes (doubtable), then go to bed.  
So ends my day.  I know this isn't all that interesting, there being no pictures and all.  My dad agreed to get me a digital camera for my Birthday, so then I won't have to borrow my sister's, take pictures, find her cord to hook it to the probably "in use" computer, upload her pictures and mine, sort through all the pics, and then do a post.  I will have my OWN camera, so I can always know where everything is, and have only MY pictures (typically) to upload.  Ah, the peacefulness of the idea.  :)  Until next time,
