Jaime is working on reconstructing the blog. It's really in need of something more appealing, now that the template designer can be used. Expect it to look a little--errmmm--out of place and strange for a while!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Day 1: Babysitting Baby Mikey

Baby Mikey's been playing for the last few hours non stop. He kept laughing at me when I was eating cereal this morning.

Man, all I have to do is smile at him, and he cracks up. He has this funny little chuckle too. It almost sounds fake, but it's not. He opens his mouth up really wide and laughs: ah haha...ha....hahaha.

He was so fascinated by the birds earlier when Jaime was cleaning her bird cage. We have lovebirds. He was just staring up at them. Once in a while he'd point at one of them.

Mikey loves the big window we have in the front. He's always climbing up on this wood coffee table to stare out the window and point to the trees saying, "tee". I think that's his favorite word. o.O

Finally he got tired, and we put him to bed. We put him down in the playpen in Mom and Dad's room at around 11:50.

He did NOT want to take his nap; I can tell you that. He screamed and cried for about a minute and then whined for the last 9 minutes before finally falling asleep. He was tired though, so it didn't take too long. =)


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