Jaime is working on reconstructing the blog. It's really in need of something more appealing, now that the template designer can be used. Expect it to look a little--errmmm--out of place and strange for a while!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

My Riddle

Yesterday, my brother asked me to make him a riddle to solve...well, this is all I could come up with...you might not get it...if you come up with the answer, just post a comment with your answer. I told my sister about it and asked her the answer and when she didn't know the answer I told her the answer...and she just stared at me like "ooookkkkkk...that's strange." Well, here it is!

No matter how much I bug you...

No matter how hard you scrub me...
I'll never be free of the stink...

What am I?

I'll give the answer some time next week.

-Jaime Robinson-

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